Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Umbreon Pokemon Greenç

What has changed since the Roman Empire on the legality of the levy of taxes?
For the disciples of legalism would really be a problem tragic (or comic, given the absolute stupidity) if the end of the world to happen on Saturday, ironically assumed the evangelist Matthew (Mt 24.20): if 's observance of the Sabbath rest of these mentally ill they had to face the flight on Saturday as you put it?
With these words, Matthew seems to indicate that his conversion from the previous profession of tax collector Primate yearns to identify the insanity in humans, and then to heal. Speaking of missionaries appropriate implementation of its social program (Mt. 3.1 to 7.29), in fact, Matthew says that the missionary of the new social need (new kingdom, the kingdom of God) must first be informed about the concept of health and sickness (Matthew 8.1 to 11.1): healthy are those who offer the gift Moses as tax conscious, that is like money in the donation, which testifies to the individual capacity of convivial sociality: "[. ..] offer the gift that Moses, which serves as a testimony to them " (Matt. 8:4); ill are the lepers, ie those who are not touched by hand (Mt 8:3) of those who can overturn the tables of moneychangers (Matt. 21.12) and collectors who sit on the benches of taxes, ie tax collectors, as diagnosed by Jesus sick people who need a doctor: "[...] "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?". When he heard this and said: "I'm not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick " (Mt. 9.11 to 12). The disease is a disease of jurists as old as the world, and today is still being seen through decrees and laws, as if it was good thing for men to love one another decree. This was never pleasing to the god of Eloìm!

Why I want mercy, not sacrifice, knowledge of
Eloìm than burnt offerings (Hosea 6:6)

ancient times, for the sake of purity, they avoided any contact with these patients, ie the tax and any other sinner under the law.
But Jesus sits at table with tax collectors (Matt. 9:10) because these disciples of legalism are sick to be treated.
The cure is to explain to them the transition from the old system of collection, which today would be called income (which is unfortunately still the one currently in force) to the new system of donation collection. That means
levy income or income tax?
means withdrawal from the sweat of their brow, that the sacrifices while I work to give my best in the world, and especially my parents, for whom I sacrifice myself, you, publish, requires me to draw a part of the result of my sweat in the name of social conviviality. The tax seems right. However, if one considers it a bit 'more closely, one realizes that it is based on a technical error: the error lies in the fact that all the' system 'is influenced by the tax return, meaning that if I declare the right, the economy works, otherwise not. Where's the problem?
The question is whether it is right to declare the right, facing the fact that, for example, in Italy the collection of taxes is not working at least 21 centuries. And this is a historical fact: just read the famous Verrine, that the speeches of Cicero against Verres about serious incidents of corruption around the collection of taxes (1).
know who declares the right to know and why it is right to declare the right to Matthew are therefore two types of knowledge that can not let him continue his profession as a tax agent.
He decides to follow Jesus means to follow Jesus
epicheia second act.
act according epicheia means I pay the tax if he considers it fair, I do not pay tax on the use of which is intended to feel unjust purposes and immoral, such as wars for example. And until proven otherwise, the health of every State is called war.
Wars are doing it because the tax on the sacrifice (the current income tax) is only generated famine and debt: "The finances have to be rebalanced" - said Cicero in 63 BC - "Public debt should be reduced. The arrogance of the bureaucrats must be mitigated and reduced assistance to foreign lands, or Rome will be ruined " !
Here, then, because the technical mistake in the tax on the sacrifice to be solved. Why is pre Christian times which must be resolved, and it is not.
Faced with this problem, the world still behaves as if the concept of roundness was never born, and in the conscience as if it is even in flat form, or cube, etc..

absolutely must have solved this problem, if you want to talk about being a Christian (even if only in the sense of being human).
is why Jesus, to explain the difference between sacrifice and mercy, he spoke the words of the prophet Hosea: "I desire mercy and not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6), quoted by Matthew (Mt 9:13).
And that's why the conversion and calling of Matthew are characterized by knowledge of this difference between mercy and sacrifice.
The tax collector Matthew realizes that the contents of these two concepts are contradictory, since those who are able to be merciful have no need to pay attention to the sacrifices required by law , and since those who practice mercy, mercy can not hear this as a duty, but as a right to happiness and life. About
now studying business in a merely intellectual has a certain difficulty to perceive economics as a science of brotherhood (or solidarity) precisely insofar as it is unaccustomed, and therefore unable to distinguish between mercy and sacrifice. Understanding economy, demands a concrete logic, integral, not merely intellectual, but also imagination, inspiration, and intuitive. C
on the mere intellectual logic you can prove everything and its opposite, and for this reason, mercy, sacrifice, good and evil, malignant and benign, are the relative values \u200b\u200bof the university economist ( In fact, today the economy has become the only sport in which two people can share a Nobel Prize, saying opposite things: see http://web.tiscalinet.it/nonsoloeconomia/barzellette.htm ). And as in the words the prophet Hosea, "Because I like it mercy and not sacrifice " (Hosea 6:6) there are the words "dated money" or "money tax " he can not find any base to support a tax in place of a benign tax malignant. Of course there are exceptions, such studies Nicolò Giuseppe Bellia taxation purposes, which in terms of prophetic above, are preliminary to the modern distinction between mercy and sacrifice that ancient man, in this case, Hosea, called "sacrifice" contrasting it to the kindness or mercy, modern man, in this case Bellia, called "income tax", that is, withdrawal from individual income, the result of sweat and sacrifice, but what Bella calls "tax money", ie taking by capital consists of the monetary values \u200b\u200bof the entire planet (starting with the family and to all peoples and societies, consisting of whole populations) for the Hosea was tzedakà, or the "tenth", the royal mercy. In this sense, both the old tzedakà as the future "tenth" of neofiscalità (money tax ordinary) proposed by Bellia, are not only fair but they are sacred and holy (2).
Hosea says: I want to love and not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6). And this is the right and the trial (3), that the prophets have always been called to establish. It is clear that the verse here studied digs a chasm between two ways of achieving a better world: on one hand the sacrifices required by law, on the other's love and mercy. It means: one is the technique of religion, or the tax technical, the other is the personal dedication. Perhaps the contrast is a bit 'simple, but it should be in that line (4).
So for those who choose as a profession to control the taxes, observe them as withdrawal from the sacrifice, and observe as removal from mercy, is observed clinically as illness or mental health.
How money is essential for healthy tax, so the heart is essential for mercy, because mercy is the feeling of charity for which the misery of others touches our hearts. With this belief the money then becomes an instrument of mercy.
For the representation of that feeling, we need to imagine the misery of others, should think about it. Thinking about it does not mean thinking by decree, as is usually the wise and right-minded disciple of legalism, which is only able to represent new tools tax, new taxes and new levies: for him the new is to devise new instruments of sacrifice of the people!
As a means of sacrifice, the currency is in fact poverty and slavery, because the man is forced to appropriate it, feel it as something to make their own, private, and should be heard as a public good, that is, as a good belonging to all, something that already belongs to man, and that no one can monopolize alien as a commodity. See the swallows: public flying in the sky, each feels like his. The sky is all like the sea, fish, wine, and every fruit on the planet, is like the bread that is broken for everyone, distributed as a wealth of everybody.
is why the real sense of the taxes is the resolution Poverty, not the production of poverty, as is done today. And that's why poverty will disappear with the mercy and not sacrifice.
Taxes are not a duty. I am a natural right. The tax collector that you remember, immediately realizes that even his work as a collector only makes sense if that right is respected. If there is no respect, one can not impose income taxes or tax returns. Everyone has the right to declare what it wants, if you like. Nobody should be forced to declare something. I talk to if I think it beneficial for me or for you, if I love you. But if I love you and I see you in misery I can not force you to tell me what works (if it works!) Or how much your income and import taxes on it for your own good! Why is this alienation. So Matthew follows Jesus
, which is objector tax excellence. But it takes courage. And the courage of fear is not courage.
Courage of Fear is the foundation of militarism. The courage to have compassion for the poor is that instead of mercy.
The courage of fear, as contradiction, assume the part of consciousness Obtenebration stolid and exaltation of those who go quietly and / or legally kill.
The tax collector is scary because it comes into your house with a mandate to check your statement of income and to penalize if you find that, to exist, you have to declare less than they earn. Yesterday on the grounds that the bread was cheaper for him than it is today does not count. For he has the law, because he is as obedient to the military legal download bombs on the cities, or that fires in people's faces and get medals for this, his face stiffened by heroic gravity. And who shall affix the medal on the lapel of 'the people love the example of his "heroic" deeds.
It is with this kind of love that evaders "like" tax collectors. The evader fantozzi "loves" the courage of fear, the robbery of taxation and / or sanction as well as the head of state shows the courage to love extermination.
They love everyone.
But Matt, if you want to follow Jesus, he must explain himself first, and then to others why this is so easy to love for all by coming to terms with the right to epicheia. Indeed "if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even the tax collectors?" (Matt. 5:46). This "merit" is in fact one of the publicans, that is, the tax collectors.
And Matthew, the first of his vocation, was one of them. The publicans
tithes on behalf of the Roman occupation, defrauding the people. Just like today. Because the authority of the Roman occupation is now the rule, disguised as a people (the better to rob people), and managed from a central control, which is far from people, even if it is elected by a majority of tonnage popular meat. Who's in charge is always the one who commands (though Lenin considered the "dictatorship of the proletariat" bleeding dictatorship of the dictator of the moment!). In dictatorship, just as in the income tax, "is like all" filled with all the courage of fear! All
fact "bitter" Il Duce, Hitler, Saddam, just as we all love the tax agent and inspect our home or our shop or our work, that our sacrifice ... And we offer you the coffee!

2000 years have passed from the translation of Matthew, tax collector, but nobody talks about, let alone the Religion ruling.
This means that these 2000 years are like two days, and that the implementation of the M
suitable for immediate social good of the people ("Program of the Kingdom," written in 153 verses: Mt from 3.1 Mt 7.29), still needs a lot of patience ...


(1) See http://enzorusso2020.blog.tiscali.it/yj2458859/
(2) Even if the web I gladly criticized the methods and attitudes Bella on the disclosure of which neofiscalità advocates I can not not share his ideas, especially those concerning the ordinary money tax, in accordance with what is absolutely, in my view, the content of the concept of mercy in this verse of Hosea examined here.

(3) The Hebrew word "Mishpat" means both "right" as "opinion."
(4) See the meditations of monks Bose (Magnano - Belluno) on Hosea page
http://www.cistercensi.info/monari/2001/mp120601.htm : " Obviously they are not banned or burnt sacrifices, but if they are perceived, conceived and experienced as tools to manipulate God's freedom, and thus to make God a tool for their own prosperity, we are obviously in front of a strain of religion, so this is not the order of justice. The 'order of justice "does not mean that God becomes the servant of man, but that man becomes the servant of God that God does not become a tool so that man can do his projects, but that' Man becomes God's instrument in the fulfillment of his - of God - the project, and this is precisely through the 'love' and 'knowledge of God. " I believe that the speech can be found in Hosea chap. 8, 11-13, says: "11 Ephraim has multiplied altars, altars, but have become for him an occasion of sin." It is paradoxical, "the religious acts have become an occasion of sin for Ephraim." Obviously: the religious acts, because the image of God has been distorted into a magical perspective, in which with certain gestures can control the superhuman powers. If religion is understood as clearly is deforming. "12 I have written many more for him, but they are treated as something foreign. 13 They offer sacrifices and eat meat, but the Lord does not like you, will remember their iniquity and punish their sins: they must return in Egypt. " Again, this discourse can find in Psalm 50 degrees, is very significant, and we have already mentioned in the first meditation because of the summons in court with which the Psalm begins. He says: "7 Hear, O my people, I talk, will testify against you, Israel." It says in the Psalm that God does not accuse Israel of being very religious sacrifices are plentiful, there are too many, so this is not the reason why the Lord has suffered against Israel. The reason is another, says: "14 Offer to God a sacrifice of praise to the Almighty and melt your votes, 15 Call on me in times of trouble: I will save you and you will give me glory." The Lord promises his intervention, but it is when man is able to position themselves before God in a relationship of dialogue, "I - you" in a relationship of communication, friendship, trust and freedom, where man is involved in his freedom, but God leaves his freedom. Only at this point the Lord provides his answer as a response to salvation. Please understand that this speech: "6 I love and not sacrifice, knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings", expresses a global view of religious life, so it's not just a way of thinking about the sacrifice, but it is a way of thinking man's life of faith. You can find in the Gospel the appeal to this text, that is loved by Matthew. You can find it at ch. 9, 13, which speaks of the reception of sinners, and the way in which Jesus welcomes them is explained by this verse: "God wants love and not sacrifice." Even at ch. 12, 7, where he explains and defends the attitude of the disciples who ate the grain of corn on the Sabbath, and then defended an attitude that comes from poverty and weakness to the interpretation of the law of the Sabbath [...] slowly rises in the history of the world before God, that is justice, "the order of God's justice." What is this order, we said: "Love and not sacrifice "," knowledge of God rather than holocausts. " Where love and knowledge of God clearly interwoven to express the attitude of trust, recognition of God, of submission and obedience to the Lord concrete. "

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Diference Of Second Language And Foreign Language

on "sin" of Jesus of Nazareth

Although I know that all the ills of the world, direct and indirect
come from the bank seigniorage, I do not collect
antisignoraggio accessions. Because the time of support is over.
Now began a new era, in which the authenticity of knowledge manifests itself
awakening sacred love,
able to restore to man the lost key of knowledge.
Nereo Villa

Who will read the following words and prayers ... to pray ... and to reflect on the meaning of calling things by their right name. And we must learn to call by his name above the "sin" that the council laid upon Jesus to crucify him, because he saw Jesus as a destabilizing element and therefore dangerous.
Jesus of Nazareth was charged with sedition antitributaria (Luke 23:2). Today we would say "inciting tax evasion."
No one talks about. Today the men who govern us are shocked, tore his clothes as did the men of the Sanhedrin, if someone does not pay taxes. But sull'epicheia, ie on the justness and fairness of paying taxes, they are all lying down in silence, from the humblest "faithful" because he knows, the hierarchically higher eminence, because he only beat his chest on Sunday for the "omissions" . This "omission" of truth, however, is very serious, and especially theologians should make amends for them, since the omission in this regard as the insabbiatura the order of the value of the things testified to by a witness at a trial, and given that the witness is the evangelist Luke. Luke said that, according to the 'assembly', stirring up the Jesus PEOPLE DO NOT PAY TAXES. This fact, in the scale of the exhibition expressed by Luke, is the main reason for the crucifixion of Jesus, for Luke to the importance of imputation "incitement to tax evasion" exceeds that of "Be King of the Jews", otherwise the 'he said first. In fact, if I say that a person is convicted by all, for two reasons, and expose them, it is irrelevant whether this is why I say first and then that. Yet the people are led to believe that the first reason for the crucifixion of Jesus is the one that comes as second to Luke. Why? Who wants to say according to the Gospels can not deny the truth or leave out, what in fact denies and omits (but then beat his chest on Sunday for "a failure"), namely that the main reason for the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was the incentive to avoid paying taxes. This fact leads to a new theological category, that of Christianity tax evasion. And that would really turn and raise the world. Especially the world imperialist red or black! The epicheia is therefore the only way to exit the current social chaos, even if it is the way that leads Jesus to the cross.

Etymology of "epicheia"
(Voc. Etymological Pianigiani, Ed Melita)

The place of our responsibility towards the future and that of our children is in our thinking, our feelings and our actions, rather than in the forms of legal-theoretical "models" of bureaucracy and democracy, especially as sick as mixed with the catholicity of the Catholic who was born without ever becoming a Christian.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

No Heat Grand Marquis

On the concept of epicheia

Epicheia, greek word that literally means "fairness" is the principle of interpretation that takes no account of a law in individual cases when its fulfillment appears immoral. It is the "real politics" of Jesus's attitude Jesus is in fact always fair!
The term is also present in Italian dictionaries.
In the New Testament this term (epieikeia) is translated into Italian in different ways, for example with the words "meekness", "benevolence", "mild," "kindness", etc..) As " typical sign of the lordship of Christ against the supporters of a political messianism, Jesus rejects the use of force to establish the kingdom of God "(1). But in this way, Jesus Christ is reduced to a kind of gentle Fantozzi.
Paul of Tarsus uses this concept to indicate the characteristic attitude of Jesus before his fellows, and referring to this as his "urges the church in that sense" (ibid.):

- " Now I myself, Paul, I urge you for the sweetness of Christ and epicheia I front of you so mean, but so far with you spirited "(2 Corinthians 10:1: " Autos de ego Paulos parakalô humas dia tes prautêtos epieikeias kai tou Christou kata prosopon men hos en tapeinos Humin, Apone de tharrô eis humas ")
-" Your epicheia be known unto all men "(Philippians 4.5: " to epieikes humôn gnôsthêtô pasin anthrôpois ")
- [Remind them to be] epic, showing all sweetness to all men" (Titus 3.1-2: "[...] epieikeis, Pasan endeiknumenous prautêta pros pantas anthrôpous ")
-" non-violent but epic "(1 Timothy 3.3: " mê plêktên, the epieikê ").

The term is often used not only by Paul. Eg. " [...] in your epicheia " (Acts 24.4: "[...] tei six epieikeiai ");" [...] not only the good ones and epic "(1 Peter 2.18: " Monon ou kai tois agathois epieikesin ", etc.).
To characterize the meekness of Jesus, Matthew does not use the term "epicheia" but " praypatìa " which means "gentleness ", thus demonstrating that there is no difference between epicheia and praypatìa, and that therefore the not characterize the difference in the various translations confessional, it means one thing: to wipe out the epicheia.
Those who know the 'epicheia "knows that every law needs to be interpreted, and according to the saying" summum ius summa iniuria "also knows that those who are too attacked the law, to make ends injustice and tension. The law produces wrath ("Lex enim operatur ihram", Rom 4:15) and, if made too stiff, is the bane of man.

IT IS IN THE ABILITY TO APPLY THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT, to understand it, in passing, if necessary against the letter. In certain situations

, to save the intention of the law, must in fact violate the letter.
The human being is intelligent. If you use the intelligence with temperance, can take advantage of these situations .
Jesus, according to the story evangelists, it was becoming.
An example: what is the point on Saturday? For the Old Testament, the Sabbath is a sign of freedom that God 'to his children. They were "slaves in Egypt." And in Egypt there was no Saturday and could not even think about it. In Egypt they had to work every day, from morning to night, because the command of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh was interested in one thing: to build cities. So these men had little prospect of life! So, that seventh day, it was a sign of their freedom, and that new life and freedom that YHWH had worked in them. That's why care must be established on the Sabbath Jesus, not the Bible (and of course not the gospel, which is written after Jesus).
Just read the gospel to realize that the legal concept of Matthew, coinciding with the practice dell'epicheia, is the legal conception of Jesus:
"At that time Jesus went through on Saturday of the cornfields, and his disciples were hungry and began to rip the ears and to eat. The Pharisees saw this, they said, "See! but your disciples do what is not lawful to do on a Saturday '. " (Mt 12:1-2)
"Have you not read in the Law that every Sabbath the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath and are not guilty?" (Mt. 12.5)
"The Son of ' man is lord of the Sabbath " (Mt. 12.8)
" To be able to accuse, did Jesus this question: "Is it lawful to healing on the Sabbath?". He said to them: "Who among you is he who, having a sheep, if it falls on a Saturday in a ditch, do not take it and not pull out? Of course a man is worth much more than a sheep! It is therefore lawful to do good on the Sabbath '" (Mt. 12.10-12) (2). So
is clear: if the treatment is part of the experience of liberation and freedom - as when one person cares, the free exactly one of its limits, its poverty - then it is permissible on the Sabbath, According to Jesus, to heal. This goes against the letter of the law, but it certainly goes against the spirit, because the spirit is that of freedom. God by the law of the Sabbath 'to free the man and prevent him from becoming a slave, not to mortify or to prevent him from becoming healthy. That's because the action based on epicheia is correct, even if practice a problem, because the power of iniquity is always trying to eliminate you if you put it into practice. Especially if you try to practice it as a sovereign citizen in the sense of taxes. Indeed "no people overhead charges is made to dominate" (3).
"He went back into the synagogue. There was a man who had a withered hand, and watched to see if it healed on the Sabbath day to accuse him. He said the man with the withered hand, "Come here." Then he asked them: "Is it lawful on the sabbath to do good or evil, to save life or to kill?". But they were silent. And he looked around with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against him to destroy him " (Mark 3:1-6).
And now that the Lord would free us, it happens that instead of being a free people, we are even more slaves, as our "new Pharaoh" is so anti-Christian who calls himself "Holy Father", contrary to the advice of Christ: "Do not call anyone Father . It is certainly not the pope who wants that.
we, slaves, whether we like it!
We would like to maybe work, not as slaves but as free people and in equity, which are above the value of the work itself ...
But how do you implement this without implementing the epicheia (since the epicheia fairness is the same)?
this is an old story.
The first to formulate with precision the concept of fairness (epicheia) was Aristotle, saying that is no conflict between fair and just, why is epicheia concrete justice, that justice in individual cases. Its function is to supplement and amend the law, which is, yes, aims to put the right "but by its nature is universal and can not provide everything, you have to be limited to what happens in most cases [...] So, for example., while in general the law requires the owner to restore what has been received as a deposit, in the particular case of a lunatic or a criminal or a terrorist who comes to recover the weapon that has left a deposit, equity (epicheia) suggests not to return " (4). Therefore, through the mediation of the principle of epicheia is realized adaptation of the abstract rule, the individual case. For this reason epicheia has been rightly called the justice of the individual case, to mean precisely that it is the actual mediation between the abstract principle of justice, expressed in the rule, and the needs of specific cases.
The institute dell'epicheia "that the occurrence of an act against the law based on a determination of the subject, referred to them when he considers that the strict observance of that law could not causing serious damage - This damage could be spiritual in nature when, for example, despite having scrupulously fulfilled the obligation (as set out inter alia by the can. 748.1) seeking the truth, the faithful have formed the belief that compliance with the law, far from lead to application of the Gospel commandment of love , would result in an intolerable burden on his conscience (even when it was irresistibly wrong: Dignitatis Humanae, 2 s. 14) " (5) is essentially the main characteristic of Christian revelation , and It is therefore logical that informs all canonical.
This does not mean that human dignity depends on the canon law in Rome, since Rome was not yet time Aristotle.
Nor should we rely on Aristotle to decide whether to carry out an act, since that would depend on someone to be human or not, Christians, and that we would once again slaves.
I think what matters is knowing the truth. Who slips away like a fish from this knowledge is a fugitive who escapes from a pharaoh to pharaoh never find another one Saturday for a human being who knows he is in himself, but which continually escapes. He thinks like a politician who says: "The laws say that we should pay taxes. Pagatele So without any fuss," and is indignant at the thought of epicheia, just as the ancient synagogue leaders were outraged in against Jesus ..
"Now the ruler of the synagogue, indignant that Jesus had made a recovery on Saturday, told the crowd:" There are six days in which to work, then come in to those you heal, and not on the Sabbath day "" (Luke 13:14).
These fugitives, fleeing from themselves, more and more terrified by the end of the world order that promote themselves because of their lack of mercy, are the words: "Pray that your flight may not be [. ..] the sabbath (Mt. 24.20).

---------------------------------- (1) L. Coenen - E. Beyreuther - H. Bietenhard, "Dictionary of Biblical concepts the New Testament, "EDB, Bologna, 1976.
(2) See also Mk. 2.23 to 24, from 2.27 to 28, Lk. 4.31, 6.1 to 2, from 6.5 to 7, 6 , 9, 13.10, 13.14 to 16, 14.1-5, John. 5.10 to 18, from 7.22 to 23, from 9.14 to 16.
(3) Francis Bacon in Pine Pisicchio "P4 or Handbook for the experienced politician, "Ed Levante, Bari, 2003.
(4) Battista Mondin," Encyclopedic Dictionary of the thought of S. Thomas D'Aquino, Ed Dominican Studio, Bologna, 1991. (5) See the idea of \u200b\u200b"legislatio libertatis" in Salvatore Berling, "Canon Law", cit. 61 et seq., Ed Giappichelli, Torino 1995.

What Are The Nicest Fabrics

Best wishes to Hector and Nemiliz

who is born a Catholic and never becomes Christian is an enemy of the human race as they do not know the epicheia of Jesus can only be an enemy of himself and then everyone just believed if "taxpayers", that is if everyone pays taxes. The Roman Catholic
ever becomes a Christian by 'assuming that the "taxpayers" have to pay taxes, without even asking the question why they exist and what they really are. Is this the effect of being a practicing Catholic: spiritual automatism that is no different than the fair iniquity? Epicheia means fairness. Inequity is the opposite of fairness. Jesus was epic and capable of truth, because it is free, not slaves. Those born Roman Catholic but has never become a Christian fantozzianamente mild, and its maximum capacity is to be taken for granted that the income tax for a long time there, as has always known only one, and it becomes obvious: in other words, truth . So the truth shall make you free, and make believers lie? Apparently, yes.
taxes and fees are money, money from citizens through the sweaty work. And that money from 'the community itself, represented by the legal person "status" in order to sustain public expenditure.
This concept, in itself, is not negative but rather a sign of solidarity, community, of unity. Everyone does (or so it should) the community in addressing the costs that all Jupiter (or so it should), as collective units. The problem then is not the tax itself, but its necessity. In other words, it is necessary to deprive us of money to give to the community?
This we can understand only if you understand what the money is. And only when we understand that money is a public institution, and therefore property of the social organism, since it is the social structure itself to create and to accept their value by convention, then and only then we can understand how such a tax does not make sense to exist.
In other words, the power to issue money is not in the hands of the social organism, as it should be. It is in the hands of private citizens, who have been delegated such enormous power at the expense of the state and therefore the whole social organism. This is the crux of the problem. Taxation
so why? To support the social structure? Certainly. But equally: that is to cover expenses that the social structure can only meet if it emits the same money.
However, it is a historical fact that the taxes, it has never been fair, have never been sufficient to cover all public expenditure, since the state was then "forced" to borrow money by issuing bonds (bonds), and thus creating a debt that should not exist.
The ignorance of people born without ever becoming Catholic Christians allowed this to happen.
The social organism, having itself the necessary task of issuing money, it must do so without falling into debt to someone because this someone can not be held outside but within that body. So a social organism which issues borrowing money with itself would be merely an expression of stupidity. In fact it is the Creator, by law, money is therefore the rightful owner of the same coin.
So we must take back our currency.
To achieve this we need to stop depriving us of money, which by its nature, should only be given by the firm, and not be caught.
understand what money is a major step to liberate us from a distorted system of which we ourselves, as far as we are born and never become Catholic Christians, we are the architects.
therefore use common sense, a sense of proportion. We use epicheia Christian. Being without epicheia
practicing Catholics, it means once again be slaves, and ignorant.
According to the Evangelist Luke, the real reason for the crucifixion of Jesus was his preaching sull'epicheia. That is to say, as children of God we do not have tax obligations, but if the coin is the effigy of Caesar means that it is his, then dategliela.
In a democracy, however, Caesar is the people. What do we do?
For what is today's "bank seigniorage" ( *) if the right had Caesar? If Caesar
in democracy is the sovereign people, "giving to Caesar what is Caesar's" means giving the people what is the people. If they do not know the meaning of the words "Payable to bearer on demand", this is a sign of slavery, to the extent that dominates the abstract concrete. But the "sovereign citizen" can not be dominated. Otherwise what is sovereign?
( *) The "seigniorage" is being granted BANKS CENTRAL (SpA Private for-profit, public institutions so far!) to issue paper money at the cost of printing and selling it on loan to the States, at full price (nominal value), burdened with interest. The amount of these loans is the Public Debt of each State, on which it continues to pay perpetual interest in infinite growth. The interest will be paid by citizens through taxation.