Monday, January 24, 2011

How Much Do Basketball Game Court Sweepers Earn


whole truth about the lives of Roma children, including degradation and indifference

The camps : the place of lawlessness. Cost and are useless, if not to perpetuate segregation. It grows in there who seems destined to become a thief and a beggar. But will this really happen? It is the question that arises Cefis Luca, an expert on immigration, in this shocking and in-depth essay on life in the camps, places of discomfort when you are enrolled a very young age in a tough fight for survival. Cefis brings us the Roma society: the archaic patriarchal model, group solidarity and life "free" by the rules of the outside world. And he explains why the issue should be seen beyond appearances and stereotypes: the Roma are not, contrary to paint them as urban legends (and very often the media), or potential rapists nor thieves of children ", and only a few are nomads by choice.
For the first time a voice is raised against a serious social evil which has developed in the most shameful indifference.

The first investigation on the social evil of the camps

• Who steals the children to whom?
• How do people live in camps
• Growing up in the streets: police and distracted attention from pedophiles
• "Gypsy," "nomadic" or "rom"?
• The drift of the drug
• The plan nomadic Roma Gypsies
• Italian • Learning from Europe


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